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Medical Condition
28 posts
How to Get Rid of Ringworm: Natural and Medical Treatments That Work
Ringworm affects animals and people. Though it’s more likely to catch ringworm from another person, it is still possible to contract it from a pet, from the soil where the fungus lives, and from objects where the fungus can linger for some time. For the most part, you can treat ringworm at home with natural ... Read more
Scrubs for Scalp Exfoliation: Boost Your Haircare Routine
You shampoo and condition your hair. You avoid hairsprays and other heavy products. You even try to eat hair-healthy foods like spinach and eggs. Despite all this, you still may not be doing enough for your head. Too often, people focus on their hair and ignore the skin beneath it. The scalp can be a ... Read more
Everything You Need to Know About the Shingles Vaccines
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 1 in 3 people will get shingles at some point in their lifetime, adding up to 1 million new cases in the United States each year. Shingles is caused by the same virus as is chickenpox: varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Most people get chickenpox in childhood. ... Read more
Dermatochalasis: What It Is and How It’s Treated
What Is Dermatochalasis? Dermatochalasis refers to drooping, loose skin in the upper (most common) and lower eyelid. It is one of several conditions associated with baggy eyelids, in addition to: Dermatochalasis can be congenital (present at birth) but is more commonly a natural result of the aging process. People usually notice droopy eyelids in their ... Read more
Can Laser Treatments Cure Toenail Fungus? What the Research Shows
There’s no question that toenail fungus is unpleasant, and often embarrassing. If you’ve tried different products without success, you have likely discovered how difficult it is to get rid of the hardened, disfigured and yellow appearance of infected toenails. Laser treatment of toenail fungus gives many people hope that this frustrating condition can be cured ... Read more
Palmar Erythema (Red Palms): Causes and Treatments
Palmar erythema — also known as red palm disease — is characterized by reddish, blotchy skin around the palms and fingers. While the condition itself causes no pain or discomfort, it can be an indicator of more serious health concerns. Telltale Signs of Palmar Erythema Palmar erythema is a rare skin condition where the palms ... Read more
Genu Valgum: The Straight Facts About Knock Knees
Typically viewed as a benign, temporary condition primarily effecting toddlers between the ages of one and 4, genu valgum, also known as knock knees, is not exclusive to children. While it’s true that all children experience varying degrees of the condition while growing up — a perfectly natural process which aids in the development of ... Read more
Dislocated Jaw: Understanding the Mechanics and Dealing With the Pain
Your jaw hurts. In fact, your entire face hurts. Is it possible you’ve dislocated your jaw? A dislocated, fractured or broken jaw is a very common injury to the face. When it comes to facial bones, only the nose gets broken more often. RELATED: How to Stop Grinding Your Teeth — Treatments That Work ... Read more