Dental Implant is a long-term remedy for replacing missing teeth. Dental implant surgery is a procedure in which the roots of the tooth are replaced with metal and screw-like posts, and the damaged or missing teeth are replaced with dentures that look and function like natural teeth.
From stunning supermodels to chart-topping rock stars, many people in the public eye have discovered how important getting your smile back can be and how easy that is to accomplish with dental implants. As claimed by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, over 3 million people in the United States have implants, and an additional 500,000 people, including celebrities, are added to this number annually.
Is The Dental Implant Only For Celebrities?
The dental implant is a standard procedure that can be done on both celebrities and ordinary people. It is a tooth replacement option; It is a long-term remedy for replacing missing teeth. Celebrities usually do dental implants as it is significant for their profession as it instills trust and friendliness amongst the general audience.
Dental implants will also help celebrities to enhance their beauty a little more. The study shows that celebrities with dental implants look more confident and beautiful. Many of Hollywood’s most prominent actors and stars have undergone cosmetic dentistry, including bonding, teeth whitening, and dental implants.
Dental implants are not only meant for celebrities but also for the general population. Many people find cosmetic dentistry as a possible way to attain perfection. Everybody is not born with embodiments but many imperfections and modifications that you may have noticed underneath the glitz and glamour. Ordinary people find dental implants a long-term remedy, even though they are pretty expensive. Dental implants have various advantages, such as a natural look, improved ability to eat and chew, and improved facial and bone features.
Why Do Celebrities Choose Dental Implants?
There is a lot of progress in the arena of dentistry. One of these, which is becoming very prominent, especially among Hollywood celebrities, is dental implants. Dental implants are considered a perfect solution for people who have lost teeth or even multiple teeth. Dental implants are an endless choice for missing teeth, unlike dentures celebrities who have fallen teeth or other than these two issues undergo cosmetic dentistry.
Some celebrities need veneers, and others need to have dental implants. Both treatments are usually combined with having a complete smile makeover. All celebrities want to look good in the big frame; they need dental work done as they live by their looks. Dental implants often charge a higher upfront cost but can be considered less expensive in the long run because of their permanent nature. Once the dental implant method is done, the patients can treat their teeth like natural teeth. The only maintenance they have to do is regular brushing, flossing, and avoiding more sweet food that promotes tooth decay. As celebrities have a busy schedule, It is easy for them to maintain the easy routine of dental implants. It is also noted that it will encourage the artists or celebrities to have a dental implant.
Celebrities With Dental Implants: Do The Implants Fall Out?
Do the implants fall out? The answer is yes, but it is a sporadic case. Most studies and research show that dental implants have a success story and guarantee a 95% success rate. Those who have these dental implants will affirm that these implants have become part of their vitalities. They eliminate the complications of dentures. Dental implants enable you to chatter without the dismay your teeth will slip out. There are several reasons why a dental implant fails; implant failure may result from improper care and maintenance.
It is imperative to choose a good dentist; an inexperienced dentist can even make your dental implant a failure and vulgar. Another factor involved in implant failure is low-quality materials. Some dentists use cheap materials because it helps them save money and allows them to charge lower prices. But dental implants with cheap materials cost more in the long run. Before committing to any new medical or dental practitioner, it is advisable to research.
Improper implant placement is another factor leading to implant fallout. Suppose the expert didn’t place the implant in an area with no sufficient bond to support it. The implant will shortly loosen or fall out. It is due to the outdated or old technology used during the treatment. An experienced dentist will have access to new technology and properly plan before the surgery.
Damaged nerves also lead to the failure of implants. This case is also similar to improper implant placement. Damaged nerve tissue is often caused due to poor treatment or inexperienced implant specialists. Damage to nerve issues may be due to the sudden rush of the procedure.
Peri implants are another significant component involved in the failure of implants. Peri-implantitis is a site-specific infectious disease that affects implants and can cause an implant to fall off. Inadequate dental care allows bacteria and food particles to accumulate around the implant and gum lines, causing inflammation in the soft tissues around the implant, which eventually leads to bone loss and implant flexibility.
Do All Celebrities Have Dental Implants?
Dental implants are done mainly by celebrities rather than the general public. Celebrities are more concerned about their beauty features as they are expected to look good on big screens. Not all stars have undergone dental implants. Still, the majority of them are having issues with teeth. Here we have the top five celebrities who have undergone cosmetic dentistry and how it has benefited their careers.
Jim Carrey is a famous comedian and American actor. He has a chipped front tooth in one of his movies named ‘dumb band number.’ Later he got that tooth bonded and amused his audience with the new makeover. Even though he had his bonding decades ago, he occasionally removed his bonding to entertain fans.
Morgan Freeman is one of the promising actors of his generation. He whitened his teeth and sorted the gap between his front teeth for his blooming career. This has likely helped him have the clear and distinct voice he is known for, as tooth loss often affects speech and makes those missing teeth speak less clearly. The cosmetic dentist transformed his smile and made him look younger than before.
Nicholas Cage is the National Treasure actor .for a character for the movie ‘birdie’, he had to pull two teeth and immediately alter teeth makeover with a complete set of veneers. later he started his career in the lead roles
Miley Cyrus is the country singer turned international star who made a smile makeover. Miley underwent gum grafting, teeth whitening, and teeth straightening. After the teeth makeover, her controversial look is shocking every week, and they’ve become part of her signature tongue-out look.
Kylie Jenner did a lot of cosmetic surgery, which included dental veneers. Since she began her career, She has experienced a significant transformation. The dental veneers helped her to enhance the entire look.
Celebrities With Dental Implants: Before and After
Some celebrities commented that having dental implants has made them feel better about themselves. Famous comedian Jim Carrey once said that his confidence has boosted, and he got many roles after a dental implant.
Final Words
A Proper dental implant also helps people to have a good health routine. Dental implants have many positive sides rather than negative. Even though dental implants are expensive, it is less costly throughout a lifetime. The association of dental Implantology states, “It is the quality of your attention to oral hygiene and willingness to attend frequent maintenance reviews that will most influence how long they will last.” In addition, implants give clients the confidence to eat, smile, and participate in social activities without concern about how they look or if their dentures will fall out.