There are scientifically proven methods to treat and cure whiteheads and blackheads on the nose.
However, people experiment with options from unreliable sources. Not all techniques propagated in the public domain are safe and medically backed.
Toying with ideas for treatment, especially the skin over the nose, is a potentially unhealthy approach. Therefore, a proper orientation on how to mitigate their occurrence is essential.
What Are Whiteheads Actually?
Whitehead is a cosmetic skin condition that might be visible on the face, nose, neck, and chest. They are more profound on the face and especially on the nose.
Though they can affect males and females of all age groups, predominantly, they appear in young adolescents.
They are classified into two types: One that is closed by the skin; and hence whitish in color, termed whitehead. And another that is not covered by skin; and hence dark or black in color, termed blackhead.
Both of them are termed comedo (pl. comedones).
Whiteheads or “closed comedones” on the nose are obstinate skin bumps and often do not go away on their own. In some patients, they even reoccur.
What Causes Whiteheads On Nose?
The reasons for whitehead occurrence on the nose are no different than it originating anywhere else on the skin.
Primary Cause
Our skin has numerous pores on which minute hairs grow. These serve as an outlet for bodily secretions. Oil or sebum is made in these pores, which helps maintain hydration balance.
In our body, on a daily basis, some cells die and in almost equal numbers, new cells are generated to replace these dead ones. When the oil production is higher and several dead skin cells are created, they combine together.
These dead cells, along with dirt and other particles, get deposited over these pores which also mix with bodily secretions like oil (medically sebum) or sweat. This granular matter cements the pores giving rise to a small-sized raised bump.
These bumps are comedones. When they remain covered by the skin, these are termed whiteheads.
Secondary Causes
Other than these, the following reasons can nurture whitehead growth on the nose:
Family History: If whitehead condition runs in your family, you are susceptible to have it.
Onset Of Puberty: Puberty onset in adolescents could set off a lot of endocrinal changes. These could increase sebum production and thereby more chances of whitehead occurrence.
Overuse Of Skincare Products: Invariably, people use a lot of skincare preparations for aesthetic improvement. Reckless overuse of such products could result in whiteheads due to their reaction with the skin.
Excessive Makeup: As a trend, people enhance their looks by wearing makeup either at beauty salons or at home. Doing this frequently, could over time trigger whiteheads. This is due to the skin’s response to the ingredients present in the makeup products.
Sensitivity: Allergic response to daily skin health and hygiene products like soaps, liquid soaps, hand washes, body cleansers, shampoos, etc., can present as whiteheads.
Hypersensitivity To Medications: In some cases, some prescription medications and topical products meant to treat any other health concerns, could cause whiteheads on your nose.
Menstrual Cycle Disturbances: In younger females, due to hormonal issues, obstetric and gynecologic disorders, and menstrual cycle disruptions are known to incite whiteheads on nose.
In elderly females, menopause coincides with some skin changes like nose whitehead eruptions.
How Is Blackheads Different From Whiteheads On Nose?
In terms of how they originate, both blackheads and whiteheads are similar. Both can occur in males and females and are usually noninflammatory.
However, getting rid of whiteheads in comparison to blackheads is believed to be time-consuming and more bothersome.
Constitutionally, whiteheads are closed but blackheads are open to air.
In case of blackheads, when the sebum production is more, the pore opens, and an accumulation of dead cells happens, leading to clogging. This blemish gets into contact with air, resulting in oxidation, and acquires the black color.
On the other hand, in whitehead formation, though the same oil or sebum and the dead skin cells are involved, they are closed with skin within the pore. Because of this, they are unexposed to air, and hence retain the whitish color.
How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads On Nose Naturally?
If you are wondering on how to get rid of whiteheads on your nose, and planning to try OTC products, here are a few natural means for you to consider:
Washing: Using clean water, wash your face regularly, three to four times a day with special attention to gently rub the bridge of the nose. Do not apply pressure on the whitehead on the nose.
Steam: Facials with steam can be done at parlors and at home, whereby steam is used to clear the pores. This well-known technique opens pores, digs out dead and decayed matter, and loosens the pores. This can dislodge the whitehead.
Oatmeal And Yogurt Scrub: Oats is a proven supplement in facial aesthetics. Prepare an oatmeal facial scrub. Mildly apply it over the nose area. Leave it to dry for a few minutes. Wash completely with warm or cold water. This will help in the removal of whiteheads as well as expedite cell production.
Honey: Pat one or two droplets of honey over your nose bridge including the whitehead. Manuka honey, a product from New Zealand, with high antibacterial characteristics is a tested and trending remedy for whitehead removal from the nose.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Known for its antimicrobial properties, it can prevent whitehead infection. Spread it in and around the whiteheads on the nose. Repeat for a few days until the whitehead disappears.
Lemon: The astringent quality of lemon can clean and contract the pores and help in whitehead removal. Try only if you are not allergic to citrus fruits. Dilute lemon juice with equal parts of water and dab it on the whitehead. After 15 minutes, wash thoroughly. Try once in a couple of days until the whitehead vanishes.
Tea tree oil: An established antiseptic, it works for some people in whitehead treatment.
Natural whitehead removal techniques are not quick fixes. For natural home remedies to take effect, you have to wait for a few weeks. The reaction of these ingredients with your skin happens slowly and hence, the results show up in a gradual fashion.
However, these natural treatment methods for elimination of whiteheads present on nose have minimal side effects, and hence preferred.
OTC Treatments For Whiteheads On Nose
People prefer OTC techniques for treating whiteheads usually when:
- Natural remedies or homemade preparations are not effective.
- There is a desperate need for a faster cure for reasons like participating in a contest, attending events or parties, occupational demands where facial aesthetics is important, preparing for one’s wedding, etc.
The commonly available over-the-counter products that work well for whiteheads on nose are:
Salicylic Acid: It contains BHA or beta hydroxy acid, an antiinflammatory and antibacterial compound. It can disintegrate the cells inside a pore and facilitate easy whitehead removal.
Benzoyl Peroxide: It is an antibacterial and a common skincare ingredient. Apply a small amount of cream with benzoyl peroxide over the nose and on the whitehead.
Retinoids: This is a synthetic vitamin A preparation with proven cell regenerative properties. It is both an option for the treatment and prevention of nose whiteheads.
Glycolic Acid: It is efficient in removing clogged materials from pores. It works its way by stripping the outer layer of the skin and dislodging the dead cells from your nose whiteheads.
Mandelic Acid: It contains AHA (alpha hydroxy acid), a known sebum production regulator. It dismantles whiteheads gradually.
Clay Masks: A popular skincare OTC treatment product, available at local drugstores. Apply the mask twice a week on your nose liberally until you find satisfactory results.
It is ideal to test your sensitivity and facial skin reaction to the above products. Read and understand the product composition carefully to know your tolerance towards it.
Choose the product you wish to try only after appropriate consultation and based on your previous skin response history with OTC products.
What If Whiteheads On The Nose Keep Coming Back?
The reason for recurrence of whiteheads on nose, according to dermatologists is that people often jump to conclude on the disappearance of a whitehead earlier than actually it is.
Prompted by this, people start applying makeup, try new skincare products, and some even go for nose piercing.
What To Do?
If the whiteheads on the nose keep coming back as “recurring blackheads,” you should seek a prompt evaluation by a physician and dermatologist. The underlying cause could run deep. A physician’s consultation to check and address any hormonal imbalance issues has to be ascertained.
Aside from that, chances are that you are not pursuing healthy eating habits.
Therefore, modify your intake to include more of:
- Vitamin C, available in citrus fruits, broccoli, gooseberry, kiwi, strawberry, and bell pepper.
- Vitamin E, available in almonds, and walnuts.
- Omega-3 fatty acid, available in flaxseed, fish, chia seed, and canola oil.
- Polyphenol, present in green tea, grapes, and dark chocolates.
If you have an oily skin, nose whiteheads may recur due to excess sebum production. They should avoid foods with high glycemic index, viz, sugar, white bread, refined flour, etc.
Avoid pricking, prying, or squeezing whiteheads on the nose as it can deteriorate the condition. Your nose being located in the T-zone, could spread any infection to the adjoining vital organs leading to a medical emergency.
Can You Get Rid Of Whiteheads Overnight?
According to skin specialists, overnight cure of any skin condition is impractical and not feasible.
In severe cases of whiteheads on nose, it takes four to five months for people to see improvement and at least two to three months in milder cases.
In some cases, topical treatments could be replaced by oral prescriptions.
However, when whiteheads on the nose are miniscule in size, and if there is a pressing need to not reveal them, clever makeup can disguise them.
8 Unique Tips To Prevent Whiteheads On Nose
The major cause of whiteheads is hormonal imbalance.
Managing hormonal imbalance is a prolonged treatment protocol that depends on the patient’s compliance and body constitution. Preventing whitehead occurrence, on the face as well as nose though difficult, however, is not impossible.
Here are a few steps:
Wash Your Face Daily: Water is the best cleanser naturally available. Warm water acts upon dirt, dust, and oil as well as microbial organisms that are vulnerable to warmth. Wash twice daily.
Use A Mild Cleanser: Try a gel-based mild cleanser, two times a day. Branded cleansers are effective in the elimination of dirt and sebum from the nasal pores. Therefore, clogging and whitehead formation is prevented.
Use A Moisturizer: When the pores get clogged and whiteheads are formed, sebum action is reduced. Using an oil-free moisturizer at least once a day, focusing the nose, substitutes the role of sebum and can keep the skin well-hydrated. This can avoid whitehead occurrence.
Cautiously Use Makeup: Ensure you are using certified and branded products for makeup. Go for preparations labelled “noncomedogenic” as they are endorsed in preventing whiteheads and blackheads.
Remove Your Makeup: Go for a makeup-free sleep daily. The remnants of makeup left in the pores could clog the pores on the nose. This can provide a fertile ground for whitehead outbreaks.
Avoid Hand-To-Face Contacts: If your daily activities are dependent on your hands touching over a variety of objects and surfaces, avoid touching your face and nose. This can prevent soiling and contamination of nose skin and thereby whitehead generation.
Maintain Good Nail Hygiene: Trim your fingernails clean. When using any skincare product, make sure to apply them with clean hands so that you do not transfer and deposit the dirt material in the pores.
Avoid Switching Skincare Products: Frequent switching of skincare products, tempted by promotional campaigns can lead to the reoccurrence of nasal whiteheads. To prevent this, stay with products that suit your skin health better.
Bonus Tips
Apart from the above ideas, a few more tips are summarized below:
Exercise Daily: Try aerobics, martial arts, or gymnasium to work out daily. This helps the facial skin to dispose of unwanted fluids faster and hence give a clear nasal skin texture.
Try Yoga: Recently, stress is accounted and accepted by specialists as a causative factor for skin conditions including whiteheads on the face and nose. Yoga therapies are intended to work internally, especially in toning endocrine mechanism, and helpful in preventing them.
Avoid Smoking: Smoking not only affects respiratory function. It also impacts skin tone and texture, especially in the face and nose. So whitehead formation in the nose becomes easy. Hence try and quit smoking.
Schedule Your Sleep: Stick to a sleep routine as it promotes intact mental and physical well-being. This way, not only whiteheads on the nose, even acne and blackhead formation can be prevented.
Everyone aspires to have a flawless facial skin texture.
Whiteheads occurring on the face, especially nose, are a distress factor, especially among young people; more so among young females.
This is understandable because whiteheads on the nose are obvious for viewers even from a distance. This diminishes the beauty quotient of a face.
Nose whiteheads erupt on people of all nose types and for different reasons. While they are cosmetic trouble, they are not functional anomalies. It is not a medical emergency either though it could be a treatment challenge.
The logical means to get rid of them is to approach a dermatologist and get directed.
One should focus on sustaining a healthy lifestyle with well-balanced and nutritious food, regular workouts, good sleep, and stress control for facial skin; particularly the nose, to prevent and get rid of whiteheads and other skin conditions.
Q. Do whiteheads on the nose need immediate medical attention?
A. Not really. As long as they are not infected and are not growing in size, and no discharge is seen, you can continue your routine. However, do not disturb them even accidentally as it may spread inflammation.
Q. Are nose whitehead removal treatments costly?
A. Skincare physicians seldom do a procedure to remove whiteheads on the nose. The treatment modality includes topical products and oral prescriptions. Multiple follow-ups are needed only in extreme cases. Hence, the treatment cost is well within the limits.