Poly L Lactic Acid are acids that can supercharge your body’s collagen production, which disappears with age. The loss of collagen can result in a sunken look. We are afraid of looking exhausted, worn, and even unattractive. In time the increase in collagen makes the skin plumper, and the recessed areas look more full.
The process is gradual and may look like this. It could start with lines that look like those found in crow’s feet disappear. Then, overall skin starts to become more smooth and look younger.
The bacterial fermentation makes lactic acid of sugar or carbohydrates from plants, such as sugar cane, corn, sugar beet, and cassava.
What Are The Functions Of Poly-L-Lactic Acid?
- Poly-L-lactic Acid is an absorbable and semi-permanent implant. It is injectable and will slowly restore volume and encourage collagen production.
- As we get older, the fat, bones, muscles, and skin on our faces start to shrink. The volume loss can lead to a sunken or sagging look on the front.
- PLLA is referred to as a bio-stimulatory dermal filler which means that it stimulates your skin to make new collagen.
- In time, the skin begins to break down PLLA into carbon dioxide. PLLA begins to manifest gradually over several months, resulting in natural effects.
What Are The Advantages of Poly-L-Lactic Acid?
- Poly-L-lactic acid helps to restore connective protein by attaching it to the skin cells.
- It is a unique treatment methodology that helps to promote collagen formation.
- It also helps to restore the volume of collagen.
- It is a safe and proven treatment for facial aging.
- The degradation process is safe as it is similar to the degradation of lactic acid.
What Is The First Thing To Do Before Examining Injectable Poly-Lactic Acid?
In the beginning, dermatologists may examine the patient’s medical history and assess the problems. The area to be treated should be cleaned. If there are skin infections, treatment must be delayed until it heals.
Patients who use blood thinners and herbal medicines should not use these two weeks before injections.
Your physician may examine those areas on your face that require improved structure or volume. A topical or injectable numbing treatment could be applied to increase ease before the procedure.
Lidocaine, a local anesthetic, is combined with PLLA before the system to provide additional comfort for patients. With a syringe, poly-lactic acid is injected into those open spots of the face and areas that require a better structure.
Many treatment sessions using PLLA are needed that typically occur between one-month intervals. Its effects on PLLA usually last for 24 months. Following that, further injections are required to sustain the impact.
What Are The Drawbacks Of Polylactic Acid?
Polylactic Acid has a low glass transition temperature which is between 111 and 145 °F. This makes it reasonably unsuitable for high-temperature applications. It has a tendency to get deformed.
Are The Results Of Polylactic Acid Good?
The results of polylactic acid were found to be somewhat good. It has considerably good results according to many studies. It showed significantly improved treatment.
Last Words
The loss of facial volume can profoundly influence the self-perception of a person affected and their professional/social interactions and potential. People who are perceived to be more youthful and attractive are thought to be better, more lively and healthier, and are more likely to perform better than those viewed as older and less attractive.
The facial changes observed, which result from the underlying loss of volume resulting from age and photodamage, typically result in an older, less appealing appearance. The loss of facial volume typically results in a hollow, sad, dull, deflated, worn-out, and dull appearance. The changes could be seen as signs of aging or loss.
Additionally, some people may perceive these changes as signs of their gradual deterioration and decline. Injecting approved fillers to the upper or midface and the lower face may result in an age-defying, more relaxed, and more attractive appearance.