Dimple Surgery: Risks, Recovery, Before & Afters, and Cost
Wish you had a pair of dimples on your face, but detest the ones on your butt? You’re not alone. Love them or hate them, dimples matter. Cheek dimples can light up a smile (think Miranda Kerr, Bar Rafaeli, and Princess Kate Middleton), and if you weren’t lucky enough to be born with them, there’s a ... Read more
Breast Asymmetry (Uneven Breasts): Causes, Diagnosis, and Correction Surgery
Maybe one of your breasts appears perkier than the other, or perhaps one sags a bit more or one nipple protrudes further than the other. Sound familiar? If so, you are not alone. What is breast asymmetry? “Very few of us have perfectly symmetrical breasts, says Miles Graivier, MD, a plastic surgeon in Atlanta. “In ... Read more
Cankles: What Are They and How Do I Get Rid of Them?
What are cankles? A cankle is a somewhat kitschy and slang term for oversized, swollen ankles that occur when and if the ankles thicken and the lower calf appears to merge with them. (C is for calf, get it?) Do I have cankles? If your ankle and calf muscle are similar in size, you might ... Read more
Male Enhancement Surgery: Lifting Saggy Scrotums and Boosting ‘SWAG’
Penile lengthening may be a locker room goal for many men, but it isn’t the only game in town. Vaginas are having a moment, largely because of the availability of energy-based feminine rejuvenation devices, and it seems to be turning into something of a movement. What was once talked about only in hushed tones (namely ... Read more
Stretched Too Thin: The Real Deal on Stretch Mark Removal and Prevention
What stretch mark treatments work, and which ones are a waste of time and money? Can anything be done to prevent them? We asked the doctors. Kim Kardashian’s Televised Stretch Mark Treatment ICYMI reality star, wife of Kanye West and mom to North and Saint, Kim Kardashian, copped to having her stretch marks removed. Radar.com, TMZ.com ... Read more
Zwivel’s Step-by-Step Guide to Surgical Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
These days we know so much more about breast cancer than we used to that people really can make empowering choices to dramatically reduce their risk of someday developing the disease. The first thing to evaluate is just how vulnerable you actually are to breast cancer, as some people are more susceptible to the disease ... Read more
Of These 9 Chin Hair Removal Techniques, Only One Is Truly Permanent
There are many different methods to get rid of chin hair—each with its own set of pros and cons. Here’s what the experts have to say about the effectiveness of these various techniques. I’m a woman — why do I have hair on my chin?! If you’ve ever asked yourself that question, rest assured — ... Read more
The Doctors’ Ultimate Wish List for Ending the Skin Cancer Epidemic
Despite tireless public awareness campaigns aimed at encouraging sun-safe behaviors and advances in skin cancer detection, the rates of this all-too-common, but highly preventable cancer continue to rise. Nearly 9,500 Americans are diagnosed with skin cancer each day, and fully one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime, according to the American ... Read more
C’Mon, Get Appy: The Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery Apps
Do body-morphing and other plastic surgery apps do more harm than good? We’ve all become a little bit “app”sessed of late. Want to know the name of a song? There’s an app for that. Need to know which route is least congested for your commute home? There is an app for that. Want to post photos ... Read more
Facial Plastic Surgeons Discuss the Facial Rejuvenation Revolution
Technology and our understanding of facial aging’s root causes are ever-improving, with plastic surgeons combining multiple techniques to achieve unprecedented facial rejuvenation results. The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) reports on these trends and more in its latest annual survey. Two plus two makes much more than four. This is among the main takeaways from ... Read more