James Haynes

17 posts
James Haynes is a contributing health writer for Zwivel.
Overbite correction

Overbite Correction: Treatment, Surgery, and Surgery Cost

There are many ways to correct an overbite, although the treatment options are often difficult, slow, or expensive. The choice of which overbite treatment is best for you will depend on the severity of your condition and your personal lifestyle preferences. What is an overbite? An overbite is a type of malocclusion or misalignment of ... Read more
Face firming cream

Best Face Firming Creams of 2019 and Why They Work

If you’ve ever wondered what face firming creams really do, which ones are the real deal and which ones you should probably avoid, this article is for you. We’ll also make some specific product recommendations that meet Zwivel’s criteria for real anti-aging products. Do You Need a Face Firming Cream? Many wrinkles are simply too ... Read more

How to Use Retin-A: How Often, Benefits, and Side Effects

Unlike the questionable claims of so many over-the-counter products promising youth overnight, Retin-A is scientifically proven to reduce wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, slow down the breakdown of collagen, and reduce the visible signs of sun damage. In short, Retin-A is the real deal — when used correctly. We spoke with Dr. Rhonda Klein of Connecticut ... Read more