Kathy McGraw

10 posts
Kathy McGraw is a freelance writer and editor. When she isn’t writing or editing for her clients, she can be found playing video games, researching obscure facts, or writing fanfiction.
Eczema vs. Psoriasis

Eczema vs. Psoriasis: How to Tell the Difference

Psoriasis and eczema are skin conditions characterized by redness, inflammation, and itching. Although both conditions produce similar symptoms and are often treated the same way, they are different ailments with disparate causes. Because psoriasis and eczema appear much the same, it usually takes the trained eye of a dermatologist to tell them apart. Here, we ... Read more
Natural Acne Treatments

We Asked the Derms: Do These 8 Natural Acne Treatments Work?

Acne Vulgaris—more commonly known as acne—is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands that affects some 60 million people in the United States. This condition is characterized by blackheads or whiteheads, pimples, and oily skin. Almost everyone will be affected by acne at some point in their lives, especially during their teenage years. However, some adults ... Read more
after plastic surgery

How to Reduce Swelling After Plastic Surgery

Post-surgical swelling is unavoidable, as the body’s natural response to injury is to trigger an inflammatory process that promotes healing. Here’s what you should expect following some of the most common plastic surgery procedures, and steps you can take to help expedite recovery. Swelling After Breast Augmentation Breast augmentation surgery causes mild to moderate swelling. What you ... Read more
Light therapy for acne

Light Therapy for Acne: Does it Work?

Acne vulgaris affects about 45 million Americans and about 90% of adolescents or young adults. While it is most prevalent during the teenage years, many continue to suffer breakouts well into adulthood. Photodynamic therapy is a recent development in the treatment of acne that involves exposing the skin to red or blue LED lights. The ... Read more